Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Carbon Two-Stepping

I had another one of those days...not really a lot of value got done.

But I did find another three our four gyms where I can get 1-2 days of free workouts. So far, I've only paid $30 for about a month and a half of work out...That's darn CHEAP, if you ask me. :)

But gonna join a gym this next month for sure. I think I've narrowed it down to two or three. (ALL WITH A/C).


So, one of the more interesting things about Brasil is they are VERY conciencous about not wasting energy. Before it sounds way too altruistic, let me explain. Energy is VERY expensive here. Even though they are a huge energy supplier to the world, it's costly for the consumer here.

So, they've come up with innovative ways to save on Electricity. For example, in our foyer leading into our apartment, there are three overhad lights...these lights are motion sensitive, so they only turn on when they sense motion. As you walk down the hall, it feels like you're in an MTV music video. AND, even better, the one going into the side door hardly every turns on on time, so half the time I'm fumbling for my keys in the dark.

Today I walked into a mini mall and realized that the escalators are also motion sensitive...once you step on it, they turn on...interesting, right? And you see this type of energy convervation in many other ways.

One of my roomie is FANATICAL about not leaving the lights or overhead fans on--to the point I'm starting to get a bit annoyed.

Anyway, small steps to a greener world, but I'm sure it's really just to save money.


Thankfully, the weather hasn't been TOO hot these past couple of days. So it makes the unbearable bearable. :)


Check out this link to some guys playing Beach's AMAZING.

OK, I'm falling asleep here.

Chuvou ontem a noite.

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