Monday, November 16, 2009

Disaster in Every Drop

The end is near...

Or so I wished as I sat through 2012...the end seemed to want to never come. I swear they jam packed every disaster element in that movie that ever existed. Floods, earthquakes, Tsunami, Volcanos, etc...and even some disasterous lines and acting.

AND LONG...I thought the wold would never end. But thankfully, it did, and all was lost, or saved, however you want to look at it.


And it poured tonight. Coming out of the theater, it was a torrential downpour, with lightening and everything. I love the rain, but am not particularly fond of being caught in it with only flip flops on my feet

After a stall at a fruit drink stand, waiting for the taxi situation to improve, my American friend (remember Olympics) and I got a taxi and headed back to our hotel/apartment.

As I write this, it is still raining. I can hear the thunder rolling in the distance, and the city is Quiet except for the light rain falling. It's nice. I'm sitting on my bed, the windows open, a cool breeze coming through (good news given it was over 100 degrees today), and a calm everywhere.

I really like the rain. I've always liked laying bed listening to it...thunder too. It just felt so violent outside in the storm, but safe in bed.

I do remember being afraid that lightening would somehow come through our Pleasant Valley home kitchen windows and electricute us somehow...but Mom and Dad assured me it wouldn't. And it didn't...well, not counting Mike/Richard getting rocked by a lightening bolt.

Other than that a slow day today. Beach., lunch, walking a bit around my new neighborhood, dinner and a movie. Ahh, life is good.

Off to bed...


  1. It was actually Ryan (with Troy watching) who got hit with lightning. I also remember our home getting hit by lightning in Pleasant Valley when I was like 5 years old and it "killing" the oven/stove. I figured if it could get the stove in the house, it could get me in there too.

  2. I too love sitting at home when it is really raining outside. It makes me feel safe and secure.
