Yesterday I went to a HSBC ATM to get some money to pay rent. I requested R$ 800 Reals. ( see the brasilian currency to the left). The ATM gave me a receipt saying it gave me R$ 800, but the machine only gave me R$ 360. I immediately called over a secrutiy guard at the metro station (where I took out the money from the ATM), and said "look what this did...will you be my witness", and he just walked away from me. LOL
I called up HSBC and they said I have to take it up with my Bank (CHASE), so so far I've gotten a pretty good run-around, and I'm not sure how it will be resolved. But I will keep you posted.
So I told my roommates that I would be moving out of the apartment at the end of the month, and as expected, one of them said nothing and the other went ballistic. It all rests on the fact that when I moved here, I bought a bed, and that bed was agreed to go against the cost of the last months rent (at a depreciated rate). Well, now that I'm leaving, that didn't go over very well. Thankfully I put it in an e-mail a month ago...so he can rant and rave, but it's all there as to what we agreed.
But I'm sure I haven't heard the end of it.
As I was walking home along Copacabana Beach tonight at sundown, I began thinking that all this will come to an end sooner than later...and i began to think of things I'll really miss. So as I think of them, I'll list them.
1. The sunset/twilight hour on the beach. People come to the beach at this time to work out, run the beach, stroll and unwind, or even for soccer/volleyball camps...lots of little kids learning to play soccer. It's a nice peaceful time.
2. Juice stands on every corner. It's very refreshing to be able to have a fresh fruit drink at any time of the day or night for only $2.00
Last night I slept with the A/C on...need I say more.
But I will say that the auto thermostate on the A/C is in Centrigrades, so I set it at 32...which is too hot, apparently. I woke up in a sweat and quickly lowered it to 25...ahh, refreshing.
Plus this new house has an outdoor shower. I LOVE outdoor showers. If I ever build a house, I'm doing one for sure. It's so great to have the sun beat down on you as you wash the dirtiness of the world away.
Try it...everyone make a HOME DEPOT run tonight! :)
I think I remember that Rob and Mindy had an outdoor shower when they lived on the Huntinton area beach 14 years ago. I am pretty sure???