Monday, December 28, 2009

Doctor..err...Pharmacist, Give Me the News

It's nice to play doctor.

So I've been coughing and blowing my nose for about a week now. And like every year, what I think is a mild mannered cold slowly persists and before I know it, I have a wheezing cough and a lung infection from all the sinus drippings going on back there. I finally break down, drag myself in to see a doctor and he prescribes antibiotics. After four or five days, WALLAH, all better.

Well, here in Rio, I don't have a family doctor to go see...and apparently, you don't need one. Anyone can play doctor.

Yep, I talked to a couple of friends and that's the case. One friend took me to a pharmacy and said I have a chest infection, can I get antibiotics. SURE she said, but what type...there a many types that treat different parts of the body. Hum, I didn't know the name, he didn't know the name, a quick call to his doctor friend resulted in a busy signal, so we couldn't get anything there.

But I know my chest and it's feeling heavy, so I thought I need to get this taken care of. So I talked to a couple more friends...and they seemed to be very knowledgeable. So, with names and doses in hand, I walked to my local pharmacy, said I needed this drug in this dose for this duration. NO PROBLEM. But when I explained my chest infection, he suggested I up the power factor and use another antibiotic instead--and another pill to help coat the stomach lining so it didn't react negatively. Starting tonight, I'm on a pretty powerful antibiotic and hopefully will be better in four or five days.

Fingers crossed.


I'm back in the A/C less apartment in Copacabana again--and just as the days get longer and warmer. Anyway, they did fix the overhead fan, and it seems to move the humid air around a lot more, which all helps, so I'm not complaining yet...well, a little, but not a lot.


I was thinking today...I have 18 more days of life south of the equator, then back up north, to the cold and work.

Again, a very unsettling feeling.

OK, enough...I read somewhere that blogs should be kept short or people won't read...mine might have been a little long.

Short is good.



  1. Angie...without insurance, the amoxicilin was $7 for five days. The stronger one was about $30.

  2. Try "Zithromax", a non-pencillin based anti-biotic that is powerful, yet effective. 5 day treatment. Eat some bread or something with it to keep your stomach in good order.
    Works for me everytime for common colds, sinus infections, etc.

    You could always call or track down some Elders to come and give you a blessing for an added measure of help.
