Sunday, January 10, 2010

Baby I'm Back

4 a.m. is a hard hour to do anything. It was hard when I'd hear Dad calling down the stairs to go out and change sprinklers when 15 years of age. And 35 years later it's hard getting up to head to the airport--especially after only getting one hour of sleep.

But as Dad always said, "if you're going to hoot with the owls at night, you have to be ready to soar with the eagles in the morning." Well, I wouldn't call it soaring with eagles, but we did fly.

We got on the flight and after three hours of annoying flight (I must have been really tired, because I got my window seat--which btw didn't have a window--and thought OK, not bad, there's a little girl next to me. I can stretch out my legs a bit into her area and sleep a bit. But 10 minutes into the flight she decided she wanted to sit on the aisle so her grandfather moved to the middle seat and squeezed me into the corner. UGHHH. I was annoyed the whole flight because of that), and after achieving just an hour or so of sleep, we landed in Rio, spent an hour going through customs and another hour on the bus to the apt. Finally I was back--to my non-air conditioned room in mid 90 degree weather and 90 percent humidty. AHH, HOME SWEET HOME. I was happy to be back.

After a brief unpacking stint, Mark and I went to a pay by the kilo restaurant (very good, and Mark paid so even BETTER), grabbed a taxi to meet my realtor to see some new apts in Ipanema (which didn't really happen because of complications--hard to explain, I'm not gonna explain it), then back here and was able to get two hours of sleep.

I met a new friend from Australia for dinner and then after a bit of writing and e-mails will hit the sack...and hopefully sleep SOUNDLY.

Six more days of Rio. :(

1 comment:

  1. I am grateful that the sprinklers and I never really needed to bond.
    Love you!
